See A Health Care Lie? Tell the White House.

The White House is aimed at the falsehoods being floated around the internet on health reform are. You have an e-mail address for people who report lies, half truths and misinformation. In this video, Linda Douglass, who deals with the Communications Director for the White Houses Office health care reform, an example of how they look like the President does intend to "eliminate" private coverage, when the reality couldnt further from the truth. She also writes: "There are a lot ofof disinformation on the reform of health insurance is that to take care of control of personal finances late in life. These rumors often travel close to the surface via chain e-mails or through casual conversation. Since we cannot Keep it all here at the White House, have been asking for your help. If an e-mail or see something on the Internet on the reform of health insurance, that seems fishy, send it to "

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