Japanese pop hunt, Greenpeace, and annular eye racist

The nation of Japan once again is the goal of self-appointed elite protesters who are not racist as a round eye. It was a 1986 Treaty of many nations limit or placing a moratorium on whaling was signed. Japan is to break that contract useless accused to feed their people. Food for humans is crucial for each contract was intended to limit the food of a nation. A ship (Arctic Sunrise) is a radical environmentalist group, Greenpeace rams into the Japanese whaling ship(Nisshin Maru) and then throws the Japanese ship. The international insurance company based in London, accused the United Kingdom, Lloyds of London, the Japanese ramming the Greenpeace ship. See the photos and videos clearly show that the Greenpeace ship was the aggressor in this deliberately rammed the Japanese vessel. But the world opinion to side with Greenpeace. This again proves the round eyes to racist selection of an Asian nation harass. Many nations have brokenthe treaty banning whale hunts, but the left and socialist world choose to Japan's pleadings. Is it because the Japanese are Asian? Is it because the Japanese have a strong democracy? It is because the Japanese are dedicated capitalist? Yep, all three, because the protesters round eye racist socialist. Video used by permission of The Institute of Cetacean Research "ICR."

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